Hickory Ridge Housing Project Photo Galleries

Photos chronicling the house and gardens Don and Mary have been building since 2008.  Plus cats, chickens, and, of course, Mocha Java, the dog (RIP). Long live October, the dog (AKA Toby, Tobias, and Tobywon).

22 posts found, showing 20 per page

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HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro May 25, 2024
Just Kitty Britches for now...
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro July 11, 2023
Firewood, eggs, garden
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro July 26, 2022
Maple sap, puppy, gardens
Tags: DogsGarden
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro February 19, 2021
Ice storm, early tennis, garlic & onions, drums
Tags: Snow and ice
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro July 26, 2020
Garden, flowers, onions/garlic, chicken massacres, amateur radio projects
Tags: Amateur RadioChickensGarden
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro July 26, 2020
Chickens, firewood, critters, mulch
Tags: ChickensHousing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro February 18, 2018
2018 maple syrup boiling, chicken gossip, garden, misc
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro January 14, 2017
New batteries, maple syrup production, new stove, eclipse, misc
Tags: Renewable energysolar
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro January 25, 2016
Jonas (blizzard of 2016), Florida trip, egg-bank, home-made lumber
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro October 14, 2015
New-esque car, winter again, flower, pond piano action, pressing cider
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2014
Garden and flowers, sorghum, workstation
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2013
Chair, maple syrup, rally, garden, cider and misc dog
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2012
Greenhouse in use, garden shed, misc, with dog
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2011
Mid October 2010 through December 2011
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2010
November 2009 through 2010
Solar electic system, Blizzards, Flowers, and More Mocha
Tags: HousingRenewable energysolar
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2009
May through early November 2009
Hardwood floor, Mocha Java, Garden
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro May 13, 2009
Nov 2008 through May 2009
Porch, chicken house, garden
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro November 15, 2008
August through November, 2008
Cupola lowering, energy shield, summer kitchen
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro August 11, 2008
July and August, 2008
Roof, cupola
Tags: Housing
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro July 20, 2008
June and July, 2008
Hot tub(mark I), wall framing, second floor walls
Tags: Housing
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Updated: August 6, 2023 — 1:26 pm
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