Esoteric Media, GalleryDon AlejandroJanuary 20, 2019 OSU Van de Graaff Lab, Circa 1975 A few pictures of the OSU Van de Graaff particle accelerator, which was capable of a whopping 7MeV on a good day. Fiddling low energy even by 1970 standards, though the polarized beam source being tested in the third image provided a lot of good data over the years. More
GalleryDon AlejandroFebruary 4, 2016 Serigraphs by Sako Serigraphy is a printing process that forces ink through a fine mesh screen or stencil to produce gallery-quality art. Multiple layers of ink are manually pressed or “squeegeed” through the stencil creating an image on a screen of silk or another fine fabric with an impermeable substance. The more colors involved, the more complicated the process. The result is a brilliantly hued work of art that retains its beauty for a lifetime. (Think “Andy Warhol”) More Tags: Artwork
Gallery, Going SolarDon AlejandroFebruary 5, 2013 Low cost adjustable solar panel rack Mary and I live off grid, so we wanted to mount our panels near ground level, where we could easily keep the snow off (i.e., not on a two story tin roof) and adjust the panel angle seasonally, because every watt is sacred in a non-grid-tie system, especially December through February in WV. Also, the panels would be more efficient in warm weather (due to being cooler than if mounted on a hot tin roof). We didn't want to spend a lot of money on a pole-mount rack, so I came up with a simple design that we built from treated lumber, common hardware and hinges. More Tags: Panel mounting