19 posts found
Esoteric Media Don Alejandro March 17, 2024FaceBook is Secure!FB is so secure that even an account owner cannot login if two-factor authentication is turned on for a cell phone that no longer exists, despite FaceBook having at least four if not five other factors to verify my identity that are at least as good if not better than cell phones (which are easily lost, stolen, dropped into a public toilet, or no longer supported by cell towers). MoreTagged: Bull Esoteric Media Don Alejandro April 29, 2020Recycled BullA few days ago I found a small stash of cassette tapes of third shift, recorded at various festivals during the '90s. Mostly just the usual bull with occasional moments of semi coherent drumming or rabble. Here are a few samples for folk sheltering in place. They probably sound best played almost too loud with discordian juice and/or your favorite inebriate MoreTagged: Bull, O-cult Esoteric Media,
Gallery Don Alejandro January 20, 2019OSU Van de Graaff Lab, Circa 1975A few pictures of the OSU Van de Graaff particle accelerator, which was capable of a whopping 7MeV on a good day. Fiddling low energy even by 1970 standards, though the polarized beam source being tested in the third image provided a lot of good data over the years. More Esoteric Media Don Alejandro October 25, 2012Battle at Thunderblow“The Battle at Thunderblow: The Great Crepitation Contest of 1946” is a comedy record of mysterious origins that gives a play-by-play account of an international farting contest between Lord Windesmear and challenger Paul Boomer. MoreTagged: Audio, Bull Esoteric Media Don Alejandro January 1, 2000General Qualifying Exam1. HISTORY: Describe the history of language from its origins to the present day, concentrating especially, but not exclusively, on its social, political, economic, religious, and philosophical impact on Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Be brief, concise, and specific. MoreTagged: General Knowledge
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