Tag: Renewable energy

12 posts found

Going Solar Mary Wildfire May 10, 2020
False Solutions to Climate Change: Electricity
It’s become increasingly clear that climate change is not only real but beginning to bite. Now that much of the population is finally feeling the urgency—and during a time when COVID19  has much of our frenetic commerce on hold, giving us a space for thinking and discussion–what can we do to protect the only planet we’ve got? More
Issues: Climate ChaosFalse solutionsPollutionRenewable energy
Going Solar Mary Wildfire November 25, 2018
Review of Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming
Drawdown was a major collaborative effort involving 70 research fellows from 40 countries. It’s not so much a cohesive plan as a list of partial solutions: 80 that are tested and in use at least somewhere in the world, and another 20 that are speculative. More
Issues: Climate ChaosExtreme energyRenewable energy
Essays Mary Wildfire November 1, 2018
Why I’m Going to Help Occupy Freedom Plaza
The prospect of sleeping on paved ground in October in a big, scary city is hardly appealing to me, a 55-year old woman who prefers lots of padding and my quiet ridgetop home. So why am I planning to participate in the October2011 takeover of Freedom Plaza in Washington DC, starting October 6? More
Issues: Climate ChaosRenewable energy
Essays Mary Wildfire November 1, 2018
Facing Energy Addiction
This piece was written in response to a request from Duane Nichols; it ran in his Frack Check WV and then in the Hur Herald. More
Issues: Extreme energyRenewable energy
Essays Mary Wildfire November 1, 2018
Another World is Possible
The world is in terrible shape. But it doesn’t have to be like this! We could have a world of peace and prosperity, a world marked by cooperation instead of conflict; a world where cultural differences are seen as richness, instead of a reason to fight. The world will spend over a trillion dollars this […] More
Issues: MediaRenewable energy
Going Solar Mary Wildfire March 31, 2017
Natural gas at all costs is WV’s moral imperative?
According to Senate President Mitch Carmichael, “We have a moral imperative to provide low-cost energy, not only to West Virginia, but to the world.” So it’s not only a matter of revenues and jobs behind the current push to exploit natural gas in the Marcellus and other shales, it’s also a “moral imperative.” More
Issues: Climate ChaosExtreme energyRenewable energy
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro January 14, 2017
New batteries, maple syrup production, new stove, eclipse, misc More
Issues: Renewable energysolar
Going Solar Mary Wildfire October 18, 2016
Solar Open House In Roane County on November 5
The second annual solar open house in Roane County will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 5 at the home of Bob and Jan Mertz on Mulberry Ridge.  More
Issues: Renewable energysolar
Going Solar Mary Wildfire October 10, 2015
First Steps to Solar
Mary Wildfire’s presentation from the Solar Open House at Hickory Ridge. More
Issues: Renewable energysolar
Going Solar Robin Wilson October 5, 2015
Why go with solar power and how to make it happen for you
Robin Wilson's presentation from the Solar Open House at Hickory Ridge More
Issues: Renewable energysolar
GalleryGoing Solar Don Alejandro October 5, 2015
Solar Open House at Hickory Ridge
A few pictures of the Oct. 3, 2015 solar open house at Hickory Ridge. Includes Mary's presentation (First steps to solar) and Robin's presentation (Why go with solar power and how to make it happen for you) More
Issues: Renewable energysolar
HRHP Gallery Don Alejandro December 31, 2010
November 2009 through 2010
Solar electic system, Blizzards, Flowers, and More Mocha More
Issues: HousingRenewable energysolar